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Business Development & Licensing

The start of a new year in healthcare has over the past decades been characterized by back-to-back meetings spread across hotel rooms in San Francisco where the industry’s annual gathering had taken place, not to say had been celebrated. Nobody knows if or when we will return to holding physical meetings. What the pandemic has shown us all is that a lot of time can be saved when interacting virtually:
As what used to be healthcare’s busiest meetings week is going to be a week of virtual interaction around the globe, we thought it worthwhile to share a few considerations on partnering between biotech and large pharma from the perspective of the developing biotech...
An initial Public Offering has for decades been the endgame for an aspiring biotech company. Thinking back just 10 years, an IPO was conceivable generally only once a company had successfully brought at least one lead therapeutic into late-stage clinical trials and the pipeline was robust. Today this has changed...
Rising awareness and emergence of differentiated solutions for multiple psychiatric and mental health conditions is an ongoing theme of innovation in pharma but also adjacent and “convergence” fields in healthcare. Increasing incidence, certainly exacerbated by lockdowns and other measures implemented to curtail the spread of COVID-19, and the significant lack of innovation in the past represent the key ingredients for a resurgence, which is currently emerging.
Capital allocation towards innovative health-tech solutions has fuelled an increase in adoption of digital technologies. We outline a few current themes and future trends in the area.
A month into 2022 and all virtual “JPM meetings” completed, we took a moment to reflect on the past