Really interesting article for International Clinical Trials Awareness Day authored by Isabel Cameron, BioPharma Reporter, who interviewed our CEO Ali Pashazadeh concerning how clinical development is so often focused on positive outcomes for each phase of a clinical program, rather than how the therapy will reach a patient in an affordable manner and thus for commercial success.
This view is aligned with Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, highlighting a crucial issue in the future of clinical trials: “We are at a critical juncture. We see products dropping out of development because they’re simply not felt to be commercially viable, particularly for small indications.”
Treehill’s extensive research proved only 5% of therapies in clinical development are optimised for commercial viability, and 60% of trials would be rerun by licencing partners. Ali also discusses how Treehill’s Clinical Development Optimization model can help bring all those together in the therapeutic development eco-system to increase the chances of therapies to reach patients and the market in a cost effective manner.
Read the article here: